Introduction to Forest Therapy May 17 - 19, 2024

Arrive May 17, 2024 and check-out May 19. Special rate $300 for 2 nights includes introduction to forest therapy.

Introduction to Forest Therapy May 17 - 19, 2024

Inspired by the Japanese practice of shinrin-yoku, or “forest bathing,” forest therapy is a practice that supports the wellness and health of participants through guided immersive experiences in forests. Unlike a hike or guided nature walk aimed at identifying trees or birds, forest therapy relies on trained guides, who set a deliberately slow pace and invite people to experience the pleasures of nature through all of their senses. It encourages people to be present in the body, enjoying the sensation of being alive and deriving profound benefits from the relationship between ourselves and the rest of the natural world.

You may be wondering why you would need a guide to take a walk in nature. As with many practices that are enhanced by a guided approach, such as yoga, meditation, prayer, and exercise, a forest therapy guide can enhance the wellness benefits of your nature experience in several ways

Slowing down and tuning in. A guided forest therapy walk offers an opportunity to unplug, slow down, and bring attention to the experience at hand.

Experience nature in a different way: A forest therapy walk offers a sensory-oriented experience that heightens awareness of and connection to nature in ways that are likely to be different from what you have experienced before.

Sense of community: In a group walk, you are invited to share your nature connection experience with others in ways that can enhance your experience and awaken a sense of being part of a bigger whole

Our Guide: Tammy Minuti has been using her own model of "shinrin-yoku" with her directees for spiritual direction and loved it so much she decided to get additional training. She is currently completing a training course with the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy

The ANFT motto is; " the forest is the therapist and the guide opens the doors."